Friday, August 7, 2009

Never a Dull Moment With Nazi's

The lights dim as the intoxicating aroma of popcorn and nachos swirls around nostrils and your tastebuds begin to dance with excitment. The dark screen before begins to widen and your heart starts to beat wildly as your prepare yourself for the treat at hand. The final preview has ended and sit back in your seat look around you at the lighted path way to the exits the people getting ready for the visionary journy. You are ready. The music sets the mood its gonna be a great film. You see the red patch with the brocken cross and now you are emotionally invested.

Nazi movies grab our hearts and keep twisting all the way to the end. I have never, never seen what any body would call a bad Nazi movie. I dare you to name a bad Nazi movie, Thats right you can't. But lets a few of the greatest movies of all time.

1. Casablanca, a movie about nazis

2. Sound of Music, Nazis

3. Indiana Jones, Nazis

4. Starwars, Stormtroopers based off Nazi's S.S.

5. Saving Private Ryan

6. Schindlers list

Above was Josh's take on movie nazis. Now I hate to take credit for the theory that all movies with nazis are awesome but I'm like 90% sure that I was the first person to come up with this idea. And I know why. I'm nowhere near the kind of writer that Josh is (good first paragraph honey) but I'll try to articulate why I think that movies with nazis are the coolest.

See the thing about nazis is that they are evil. 100%. There is no identifying with nazis. There's no "but the camp counselors accidently killed her son so she's justified" or "of course he grew up to be a cannibal, he was forced to eat his beloved sister at a young age". There's no sympathizing with nazis. They're evil, end of story.  That kind of evil doesn't really exist in very many movies. Or if it does, the villain is so over the top that it seems fake. Nazi's are more than movie monsters. They are movie monsters that actually existed in real life. Movie Nazis are one of the rare villains that I can watch, believe them to be real (because they were) and still be 100% rooting for them to get shot by the end of the movie. Nothing in life is as black and white as Nazis. They were evil and they deserve to die. So in movies with nazis, you get a clear person to cheer for. 

Other Great Movies with Nazis:
American History X  (yep even neo-nazis are included... watch the deleted scenes for the worst of them getting attacked by a black gang....awesome) 
Hannibal Rising (man those nazis were bastards)
The Hiding Place (go rent this one) 
Pan's Labyrinth (I didn't like the movie as much as some of the others on the list but I really liked hating Ophelia's stepfather.) 

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