Sunday, August 2, 2009

Movies or Books?

Which was better the book or the movie? I think i have heard this question asked at least a dozen times since the new Harry Potter movie has hit theaters. Really I think this an extremely unfair comparison. They are two completely different litterateurs. To compare movies to books is like comparing paintings to photography or sculptures. They are all different mediums. An artist has all day to create his work but the photographer may only have a few seconds to snap the perfect picture.

A movie which has spawn from a book is only an adaptation of that book. The adaptation is the directors vision of the book. The director and the writer may share same vision but the writer had 500 plus pages to create a world and tell a story. The director only has 120 pages in script form if even that. A book that took hours or days to read only takes one and a half to two hours to watch. However the same effort in creating a certain mood went into both the movie and the book. Unless you are talking about Transformers the worst movie of all time no effort went into that at all. but movies use more than words, they use action, lighting, and music to get your emotions going. The writer has only the words on the page to do that. So making the argument that one literature is easier to make than the other is a total farce. It takes the same dedication and sill to do either.

Please next time your favorite book becomes a new form of literature please compare it to a movie. Not the Book. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a thousand words don't go into every picture.

I love you Hannah.

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