Friday, August 7, 2009

Never a Dull Moment With Nazi's

The lights dim as the intoxicating aroma of popcorn and nachos swirls around nostrils and your tastebuds begin to dance with excitment. The dark screen before begins to widen and your heart starts to beat wildly as your prepare yourself for the treat at hand. The final preview has ended and sit back in your seat look around you at the lighted path way to the exits the people getting ready for the visionary journy. You are ready. The music sets the mood its gonna be a great film. You see the red patch with the brocken cross and now you are emotionally invested.

Nazi movies grab our hearts and keep twisting all the way to the end. I have never, never seen what any body would call a bad Nazi movie. I dare you to name a bad Nazi movie, Thats right you can't. But lets a few of the greatest movies of all time.

1. Casablanca, a movie about nazis

2. Sound of Music, Nazis

3. Indiana Jones, Nazis

4. Starwars, Stormtroopers based off Nazi's S.S.

5. Saving Private Ryan

6. Schindlers list

Above was Josh's take on movie nazis. Now I hate to take credit for the theory that all movies with nazis are awesome but I'm like 90% sure that I was the first person to come up with this idea. And I know why. I'm nowhere near the kind of writer that Josh is (good first paragraph honey) but I'll try to articulate why I think that movies with nazis are the coolest.

See the thing about nazis is that they are evil. 100%. There is no identifying with nazis. There's no "but the camp counselors accidently killed her son so she's justified" or "of course he grew up to be a cannibal, he was forced to eat his beloved sister at a young age". There's no sympathizing with nazis. They're evil, end of story.  That kind of evil doesn't really exist in very many movies. Or if it does, the villain is so over the top that it seems fake. Nazi's are more than movie monsters. They are movie monsters that actually existed in real life. Movie Nazis are one of the rare villains that I can watch, believe them to be real (because they were) and still be 100% rooting for them to get shot by the end of the movie. Nothing in life is as black and white as Nazis. They were evil and they deserve to die. So in movies with nazis, you get a clear person to cheer for. 

Other Great Movies with Nazis:
American History X  (yep even neo-nazis are included... watch the deleted scenes for the worst of them getting attacked by a black gang....awesome) 
Hannibal Rising (man those nazis were bastards)
The Hiding Place (go rent this one) 
Pan's Labyrinth (I didn't like the movie as much as some of the others on the list but I really liked hating Ophelia's stepfather.) 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Things People Need to Calm Down About and Things People Need to get More Excited About

ok so I was at the dentsit yesterday. And while I was there I was reading an Entertainment magazine. As I was reading I decided that I am just sick of some things. Here is my list of things I am sick of and why I am.

1. Megan Fox-- Oh my God people. She is not that hot. And she admits herself that Transformers in not a movie where she needed to act. She says she hasn't actually done any acting yet. She's too skinny and frankly I'm just tired of hearing how she doesn't want to be compared to Angelina Jolie just becasue they both have tatoos blah blah blah. Go away Megan Fox.

2. The Jonas Brothers--As someone that would like to work with youth someday, I can appreciate that this are actually nice boys. They wear purity rings but don't really talk about it too much That's nice and good. However, this is not the Beatles. They pretty much the 2009 equivalent of Hanson in my mind. And we all know how long they're careers lasted.

3. Robert Patterson-- I'm sorry is this guy actually supposed to be good looking? Pre-teen girls freak the hell out when this guy is around. Personally his interpretation of Edward Cullen creeped me out. Sneaking into a girls bedroom to watch her sleep at night is not cool Mr. Vampire.

4. Debbie Rowe--Frankly this woman disgusts me in every sense of the word. I don't want to hear anything about her anymore.

5. Rhianna--Umbrella had to be one of the most obnoxious songs I've ever heard. Well anything that Fergie sings could probably be a contender. Anyway...Rhianna just kind of irritates me. Its not her fault, but the abuse scandal just got mentioned a few thousand too many times for my tastes.

6. George Cloony--I don't think I've seen him in anything where I walked away and said "man that cloony...what a standup actor". And yet people treat him as though the sun shines out of his every orafice. Calm down people.

7. Project Runway--They have been freaking plugging this show since May and it STILL won't be on for a few more weeks. I'm sick of seeing comericals and waiting. Its not that great to begin with and anticipation can only last so long.

Ok Ok now for the people that I think are underated. People should really get more excited about them because I think they totally deserve it.

1. The cast of Entourage-- These people are funny. Really funny. And they work so well together. Especially Kevin Connoly as Eric Murphy and Jeremy Piven as Ari Gold. And yet I know so little about them. I want to know more!

2. Bridezillas--My hope would be that if this show got really popular, we would get a couple of "where are they now" specials and see how long these couples stay married.

3. Alexis Bledel--ok yes, I am geeky enough to have loved Gilmore Girls. But Alexis also won my heart in the romantic Tuck Everlasting and won my respect for portraying the blue-eyed whore in Sin City. She should be getting more roles and press in my opinion.

4. Flogging Molly--ok I don't know if they are actually underrated or not. I just know that they should be highly rated for their fun rock out music.

5. Adam Sandler--I think he's funny. i love his movies of the 90's and I'd like to see more of them today. They're just fun to watch.

well that's all for now. over and out


ps my fiance is amazing

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Movies or Books?

Which was better the book or the movie? I think i have heard this question asked at least a dozen times since the new Harry Potter movie has hit theaters. Really I think this an extremely unfair comparison. They are two completely different litterateurs. To compare movies to books is like comparing paintings to photography or sculptures. They are all different mediums. An artist has all day to create his work but the photographer may only have a few seconds to snap the perfect picture.

A movie which has spawn from a book is only an adaptation of that book. The adaptation is the directors vision of the book. The director and the writer may share same vision but the writer had 500 plus pages to create a world and tell a story. The director only has 120 pages in script form if even that. A book that took hours or days to read only takes one and a half to two hours to watch. However the same effort in creating a certain mood went into both the movie and the book. Unless you are talking about Transformers the worst movie of all time no effort went into that at all. but movies use more than words, they use action, lighting, and music to get your emotions going. The writer has only the words on the page to do that. So making the argument that one literature is easier to make than the other is a total farce. It takes the same dedication and sill to do either.

Please next time your favorite book becomes a new form of literature please compare it to a movie. Not the Book. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a thousand words don't go into every picture.

I love you Hannah.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Response to Josh's Post

So in case you couldn't tell, the post the other day was by Josh. This is Hannah, here to respond to Josh's post with some comments of my own.

I am aware that most men do not really care about planning their own weddings. I guess most men feel that this falls under the woman's role in a relationship. Now, despite the fact that I believe fairly strongly in traditional gender roles, I cannot imagine planning my wedding without the partnership of my best friend and love of my life, Josh. It astounds me that some men will not step up to plan this important day with the woman that they love. So many men, that wedding vendors cater almost exclusively to the bride.

I am extremely grateful for my wonderful fiance who trusts and loves me as an equal partner. I am so glad that I don't have to beg him to help me plan this wedding. I know how upset he was at his treatment at the tux rental shop. I implore all men out there to plan their own weddings. Your fiance will love you for it (just in case she doesn't love you already)

Over and OUt
